Saturday, June 2, 2012


Bonjour, from France. After the day of jumping on and off trains we got into Paris around 8, and we had to search the city for a place to stay the night. Luckily we found a good deal on a place pretty close to the train station. From there we dropped off our stuff and went to see the city of light at night. We walked down the street and the Eiffel Tower was less than 2 miles away. We saw it all lit up, but we were tired from the long day of traveling so we called it an early night.

Sunday morning we woke up early to see Paris. First stop, go up in the Eiffel Tower. Check. Next take a boar tour down the Seine River, passing by Notre Dame, the Louvre, the statue of liberty,and a whole bunch of other important stuff. Once we were back on land we pointed ourselves at the Arc de Triumph. Seeing it made us quite hungry (or maybe the fact that we hadn't eaten yet and were walking around all day) do we grabbed some ice cream. Delicious. Then we needed to get some tacky tourist pictures somewhere so we set off for the Louvre where we could hold up the glass pyramid. Once that task was completed, we had to make our final stops as we were running short on time before we caught our overnight train. So we went to see Basilique du Sacre-Coeur and got a great view of the city while having a choir sing for us (and all the other thousands of tourists). Just down the street from there is the Moulin Rouge, so we grabbed a quick picture there, grabbed some sandwiches and headed for the train station.
The overnight train was quite an experience, maybe not a great one but it was an experience. We made friends with the [drunk] girls behind us, and made fun of Paris and Parisians with them (oops).

When we got to Cannes in the morning Kevin was there waiting for us. From there he took us to his school, and walked us past the film festival (which was being torn down) on the way (it was at least a mile and we still had our backpacks on) but once we were there we were able to shower and rejuvenate ourselves, and finally grab some breakfast. Since it was pentecost, everyone didn't have classes and we were able to meet all of Kevin's friends as we took the ferry out to an island where we walked around, went swimming, and had a cigar. When we got back we grabbed a kebab, and went back to the hotel early since Kevin had a final the next day. So we got back and figured out texting and calling through the wifi and called it a night. Side note: our hotel room had no electricity for the first two hours we were there and we couldn't figure out how to lock the door so we put a shelf in front of the door for the night.

The next day we finally had a chance to sleep in! Then we went on a run along the beach! (possibly a mistake with how much walking is ahead of us) but we grabbed some lunch at the Carrefour (Walmart haha) and set off for the 4 mile walk to the train station to buy tickets into Barcelona and the hit the beach up. Kevin eventually met us there and then we went to grab some pizza at a close restaurant. Went back to Kevin's room for a beer and the got some chicha with a bunch of the students in Kevin's program. Then we made the 2.5 mile walk back.

The last day in Cannes we met Kevin on the beach at noon, had some lunch and went swimming in the Mediterranean sea. Then we walked up to an old church that had a great overview of the city. Then we headed back to his school, and stopped to get some crepes on the way. Once we got back we played some ping pong before the American students had to go to their farewell dinner. So we hung out and grabbed some food with a few of Kevin's friends before they all came back and we had 7 drake students in his dorm room. Then we had to say goodbye to Kevin because we had to catch the morning train into Barcelona!

Au revoir France,
Hola Spain!

We actually just got to Granada.
The post on Barcelona will come soon!

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